Tiếng Việt

Plugin in figma



Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tuyền




Welcome back to the Learn What You Share series, and I'm Tuyen. With the previous sharing of content on coding and BA fields, today I will guide you to approach another field that also plays a crucial role in making a project successful, which is the role of a designer.
For a designer, in addition to learning or absorbing knowledge from various sources, the tools that can help them express their ideas, creative freedom, etc. are also a part of success. We cannot ignore useful tools such as Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, ...) and Figma. For, these two tools are quite useful for a designer like myself.

You often hear designers talk about using this software or that software for design, but we just listen and don't really understand them. In case we need to use them later, we still have to ask them about the names of that software. With that drawback in mind, I wrote this blog post to share the software that I use the most for design, which is Figma

Figma is a design software launched in 2015 and quickly adopted by the design community. It allows users to create interactive design drafts and share them with other team members

Figma provides a wide range of useful features such as geometric drawing tools, fonts, colors, and features for creating interactive designs and design templates. Additionally, it integrates with many other tools like Sketch, Photoshop, and project management tools like Jira and Trello. A special feature of Figma is that it allows users to interact with the design's functionality (buttons, links, etc.) like a website.

With the flexibility and great features of Figma, you can take advantage of this to make it even better by improving the user experience and making design easier with the help of plugins

As shared in the blog post 'https://www.abcsoftwarecompany.com/vi/blog/nhung-plugin-figma-thong-dung-danh-cho-thiet-ke-ui' by Quoc Hung, he is also a designer who has used common plugins in his designs such as Stylelist, remove.bg, lorem ipsum, unsplash, iconify,... and I have as well. However, I have accidentally discovered even more amazing features of some plugins in Figma, namely: anima, content reel, design lint


Anima is a plugin that allows users to create buttons, forms, dropdowns, and more with flexible sharing and reuse features to make websites and apps run smoothly and highly interactive.

You can refer to the UI of components such as button, form, dropdown, etc.

The plugin provides flexibility, UI, and code support to help developers easily reference and code without deviating from the client's requirements set by the designer.

I can't watch the demo you mentioned as I am a text-based AI language model. However, I can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Anima plugin for Figma.

  • I selected a previously designed frame (Home page) and right-clicked to select Plugin -> Anima -> Get code. But before using this plugin, you need to install it first ^^!

  • After getting the code with Anima plugin, you can choose the programming language that the plugin supports to export the code.

You can export the code in the supported languages ​​such as HTML, React, Vue

  • Finally, the result shows the code for the frame (Home page). But note, this feature is limited if you want to export the code and download the source, you should spend a little more $ for convenience. There is another way to circumvent the law a bit more, you can open to code pen like me and watch it directly.

This is a great plugin, but its free features are limited. Therefore, if you want to have a better experience and have the means, you should add a little $ to have even better experiences!!!

In addition, this plugin has a great feature Auto Layout that allows elements to automatically resize and position when the size of the surrounding frame if they change. This reduces the time it takes to update and arrange elements in the design.

Content Reel

Is a plugin that makes the presentation of content (images, content, videos, gifs and animations) in the design become vivid and beautiful.

Design Lint 

As a plugin that helps to check the quality and standards of the design: ensures consistency in the entire design, colors, spacing, fonts, and other design rules, and helps users find errors in design and fix them quickly.

I have a personal exercise, after I design and proceed to ask the support plugin to check, the results I received are quite surprising.

With only one page, I have wrong many standards, the numbers are amazing. I think this plugin is quite good, it will help us designers improve our design standards and improve our observation, meticulousness and care.

Realizing that plugins are a small part of making our design more beautiful and perfect. It contributes to helping us reduce stress and understand the time and effort to do new and great things. Thanks to automation and powerful tools, designers can focus on creating products that meet customer and market requirements.

Above, are some of the plugins that I discovered on my own in the process of learning to become a designer. I will share the knowledge that I discovered during my studies. Hope it helps okay for you. 

Thank you for reading this far!!!!
See you in the next blog and I'm Tuyen.

Post created by ChatGPT and edited.


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